© Copyright - Karim A. Khaidarov, July 18, 2008
Dedicated to the bright memory of my daughter Anastasia


Energia of fall

As already was marked above, in XIX century lord Кельвин has put forward a hypothesis about an origin of energy of radiation of stars. The essence her(it) consists that at fall аккрецируемого of substance in a gravitational hole of a celestial body, this substance gets kinetic energy, преобразующуюся at a contact with substance of a celestial body in heat. Knowing weight of a star, its(her) radius and светимость, receiving аккреционную the concept of formation(education) of its(her) weight, is possible to calculate time of radiation of a star.

The simple calculations show, that the star of solar weight and светимости will expend аккреционную energy for ~10 7 Years.

One of occasions of deviation(rejection) of a hypothesis Кельвина was that under the data палеонтологии the life time of life on the Earth is much more than this term. Besides since 1930 years due to efforts first of all Эддингтона, Бете and Критчфилда in an astrophysics has received a general(common) recognition a myth about a thermonuclear nature of energy of the Sun and stars as a result of pp-synthesis.

Rejecting a hypothesis Кельвина, the astrophysicses have overlooked(forgotten) that

Observing the red giants, we completely clearly see, that them светимость is explained аккрецией. There there are no high temperatures neither for a nuclear fusion, nor for sufficient восполнения of energy at the expense of motion of particles of gas, that is from an ether.

In light stated above and astronomical supervision(observations) of stars in environment of gas clouds, in main(basic) in galactic sleeves, it becomes clear, what exactly аккреция is the reason of brightness of stars in galactic sleeves.

Thus, the power source found Кельвином, plays essential, but at times incidental role in power of stars. In the table 2 the share кельвиновской of energy at stars and квазаров is adduced.

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