Rambler's Top100

Anomalous Light Aberration
in Circumterrestrial Cosmic Space

Ignatenko Yu.V. (1), Triapytsyn V.N. (1), Ignatenko I.Yu. (2)
1) Satellite Laser Ranging Station Katzively of The Main Astronomical Observatory NAS of Ukraine,
2) Federal State Unitary Enterprise (FSUE) National Research Institute for Physicotechnical and Radio Engineering Measurements - VNIIFTRI

In this paper, we consider a phenomenon which had been revealed in a long-term satellite laser ranging with a narrow laser beam and was called the anomalous aberration. The results obtained in 2001-2002  were reproduced in 2004, 2007. We have found a seasonal dependence of the anomalous aberration in both the magnitude and direction. The study of possible instrumental causes of this phenomenon evidences against the presence of noticeable instrumental errors which could influence the amplitude of the observed effect.   

Full text in Russian (PDF)

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