© Copyright - Karim A. Khaidarov, July 18, 2008
Dedicated to the bright memory of my daughter Anastasia


Spiral galaxies

During the existence all elliptical galaxies become spiral. A major factor it, in opinion of the author, is the occurrence in center of a galaxy large квазара (хост-квазара), which changes a structure(profile) of a gravitational field in such a manner that there are forces turning axes(axes) of orbits of all bodies of a galaxy in one party.

Except for the hydrodynamic factor the transformation(conversion) of a galaxy in spiral promotes that the part of stars of an elliptical galaxy enters in a condition of thermonuclear instability and blows up supernew.

The explosions supernew fill in a volume of a galaxy by interstellar dust. As against hydrogen and helium this dust practically does not submit to the gas laws. She(it) has large "molecular" weight and low temperature of dust particles, therefore behaves as small planetary bodies. The interstellar dust goes with orbital speed. The same as stars, she(it) is superseded from a halo to the disk(disc), gets circular orbit and goes in coordination with all material of the disk(disc).

Actually, the spiral galaxy consists of two enclosed galaxies: elliptical (halo, " the population II ") and actually spiral - disk(disc) with sleeves (star of Main sequence, " the population I ").

The spiral galaxy is стагнационная, that is stable phase of life of a galaxy. She(it) makes 50 % from a general(common) life time of a galaxy.

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