© Copyright - Karim A. Khaidarov, July 18, 2008
Dedicated to the bright memory of my daughter Anastasia


Myth about final age of the Universe

"For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God's sight. As it is written:
"He catches the wise in their craftiness, and the schemes of the wily are swept away.
Darkness comes upon them in the daytime; at noon they grope as in the night."
[Job 5:13-14,1 Cor. 3:19]

Unfortunately, in modern astrophysics the relativistic myth about final age of the universe stating that its age is about 13 billion years reigns.

However this belief goes counter both with logic and principle of causality, and with the astronomical facts and physics.

Logically the term "Universe" means all of existing now, all that ever existed, and all that will exist. Therefore limitation of Uneverse age contradicts the logic. The assumption of limitation of age of the Universe obligates us to make a logic conclusion that there was something before the Universe, the other universe. And time so, there is a logic contradiction with definition of the Universe that it is all.

The Universe could not arise from anything by "Big Bang", as relativists interpret it. It contradicts the law of preservation of substance and principle of causality. And without keeping a principle of causality science has no the right on existence, as a sense of science is in process of search of the cause.

On the other hand, the objects are known for astrophysicists is much more older Freedman-Einstein's "universe". It are, for example, globular clusters not relating to most ancient objects, the age of youngest of which more than 15·109 years. The time necessary for formation of superclusters of galaxies, such as the Great Attractor, can not be less than many billions years.

The astronomical observations find out galaxies, locating from each other on so large distances and existing so durable time that it are not stacked in frameworks of close relativistic world. At the same time last reviews of the Deep Space directly indicate the isotropy of Universe up to optical observable horizon of ±30 billion years [24].

If we speak seriously about duration of life of stars, it is easy to get it from statistics. There are about 1011 optically observable stars in Milky Way that is stars which have reached the age of emission in optical band.

How long the mean duration of life of a star from a beginning of glow up to destruction, the explosion supernova, if in our Galaxy one supernova arises per a century? Ii is school task.

1011 stars / 10-2 star/year = 1013 years.

The duration of life an ordinary star in our Galaxy is about 10 billion years. It is thousand times longer than the life of relativistic universe.

How long the age of a galaxy, in which many generations of stars are born and perish? - Certainly, it is many orders longer than time of life the ordinary star that is thousands billions years. Being in senses any biologist can't tell that time of life of species is the same order with life of specimen, the component unit of this species. Unfortunately, in a modern astrophysics such absurdity is possible. Life time of a galaxy consisting from 1011 stars equal to life time of one star.

Upsetting causality itself by a fabrication of "Big Bang" ralativists have put itself outside of the logic science, where the principle of causality is basic. There is no science without causality, but there is only deceit and hoax, since any scintific study imply presence of the cause and it builds all on causal-effective relationships.

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