Copyright © Friedwordt Winterberg, 2002. All rights reserved.
Published according to special permit of professor Friedwardt Winterberg




Introduction: The Planck Aether Hypothesis

I. The Case for an Aether

  1. The Standard Model
  2. The Strengths of the Coupling Constants
  3. The Problem of the Zero-Point Vacuum Energy
  4. The Problem of Quantum Gravity
  5. Past and Recent Attempts to Formulate a TOE (Theory of Everything)
  6. The Case for an Aether

II. Derivation of Quantum Mechanics from the Planck Aether Hypothesis

  1. Boltzmann Equation for the Planck Aether
  2. Quantum Mechanics of the Densely Packed Assembly of Positive and Negative Planck Mass Particles
  3. Derivation of the Schrodinger Equation for the Planck Masses by a Variational Principle

III. Approximate Solutions of the Quantized Field Equation for the Planck Aether

  1. Hartree and the Hartree-Fock Approximation
  2. Hydrodynamic Formulation
  3. Waves and Vortices in the Hartree-Approximation
  4. Waves and Vortices in the Hartree-Fock Approximation
  5. Inclusion of the Quantum Potential
  6. Rotons
  7. Origin of Charge

IV. Formation of the Vortex Lattice and the Unification of
Maxwell's and Einstein's Equations

  1. Formation of the Vortex Lattice
  2. Electromagnetic and Gravitational Waves
  3. Electromagnetic and Gravitational Interaction

V. DiracSpinors

  1. Correspondence Principle Treatment
  2. Wave Mechanical Treatment
  3. Spinor Rotons
  4. Neutrino Oscillations
  5. Spin Statistics Theorem

VI. Quark-Lepton Symmetries and the Higgs Field

  1. Fractional Charges
  2. Fractionally Charged Quarks
  3. The Origin of the Higgs Field
  4. Higher Families
  5. Parity and CP Violation

VII. Lorentz Invariance

  1. Einstein-Hopf Friction Force
  2. Dynamic Interpretation of Lorentz Invariance
  3. Derivation of the Lorentz Transformations
  4. Synchronization by Slow Clock Transport
  5. General Relativity
  6. Further Remarks about Lorentz Invariance and General Relativity

VIII. Equivalence and Gauge Principles

  1. Origin of Gravitational Mass
  2. Origin of Inertial Mass and Principle of Equivalence
  3. Interpretation of Gauge Invariance
  4. Analogies Between Einstein-Gravity and Non—Abelian Gauge Field Theories
  5. Asymptotic Behavior

IX. Astrophysical and Cosmological Problems

  1. Nonbaryonic Cold Dark Matter
  2. Rotation Curves of Disc Galaxies and the Roton Cold Dark Matter Conjecture
  3. Black Hole Entropy
  4. The Entropy of the Universe
  5. The Sum of All Charges Equal Zero Theorem
  6. Beyond the Visible Universe
  7. Is there a Shadow Matter?

X. Quantum Mechanical Nonlocality and the Planck Aether Hypothesis

  1. Action at a Distance
  2. The Sagnac- and Aharonov-Bohm Effect
  3. Phase Entanglement
  4. Wave Function Collapse

XI. Finitistic Formulation

  1. XI. 1 Physical and Mathematical Continuum
  2. The Continuum and the Divergence Problems of Relativistic Quantum Field Theories
  3. Finite Difference Operators
  4. Finitistic Field Equation
  5. Lagrange Formalism
  6. Maximum Energy and Momentum

XII. Breaking of the Quantum Correlations

  1. Number of Fundamental Constants
  2. Past Attempts
  3. Turbulent Fluctuations of the Planck Aether


Epilog: 20th Century Clouds of Physics and Einstein Dammerung Translation of a Letter by Helsenberg

A. Appendix

  1. Conventions, Abbreviations and Symbols
  2. About the Author
  3. The Value of Sommerfeld's Finestructure Constant as a Consequence of the Planck-Aether Hypothesis
  4. Planck Mass Rotons as Cold Dark Matter and Quintessence
  5. A.5 Proper names
  6. Index